How Soon Can Puppies Go For Walks

Dogs can have a short walk after 24 to 48 hours after having puppies.
How soon can puppies go for walks. Your puppy will be done with his vaccinations at 14 16 weeks old. Normally the vaccination process ends between 3 and 4 months of age so until that point you can t take it out. As the puppies get dependent the walks can become more regular but within a short distance of the litter. A good rule of thumb for your pup is to aim for around 5 minutes of exercise per month of age until they are fully grown.
So if you bring them home at 8 weeks you want to limit play time to 20 minutes ideally 10 minutes twice a day. Your puppy should not be walking outside or going to dog parks unless he has been vaccinated. Walking your puppy in areas frequented by other dogs can expose him to some viruses and parasites that are potentially fatal including parvo. Remember you want to make sure the first walks you take your pup on are as fun and stress free as possible.
Although protocols vary a puppy is usually fully vaccinated against a variety of serious diseases by 20 weeks. Typical vaccinations include the distemper parvo dhhp and rabies. It should be a short walk of no longer than 15 minutes with no over exertion. It is not safe for your puppy to come into contact with other animals.